Born in 1947 – Indianola, Mississippi, USA.
Based in Berlin, GERMANY.

Howard McCalebb received his M.F.A. in Sculpture from Cornell University in 1972, and his B.A. in Sculpture from California State University, at Hayward in 1970. In 1971, he participated in the Hobart School of Welding Technology, 5th Annual Sculpture Workshop in Troy, Ohio.

He has taught fine art at San Jose State University, in California; the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; the University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Rutgers University, Newark; Hunter College, New York; Cornell University; Graduate School of Pratt Institute, in New York City; Parsons School of Design, in New York City, and Amherst College. His international exhibitions include venues in Austria, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mr. McCalebb’s art has also been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums in the United States. These venues include the Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco; San Francisco Museum of Art; the San Jose Museum of Art; Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas; and the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, New York. In New York City he has exhibited at: Momenta Art, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, Woodward Gallery, The New Museum, Exit Art, ArFst Space, Art in General, Socrates Sculpture Park, Sculpture Now, Inc., and The Studio Museum in Harlem.

In 1993 he was a featured artist in the film: “Manhattan Cityscape,” by Steen Møller Rasmussen, a Plagiet Film, produced in cooperation with the Danish Film InsFtute Workshop. And in 1981, he was invited by the artist to appear in the film “Bearden Plays Bearden,” produced by the Philip Morris CorporaFon.

In 2000, Mr. McCalebb’s sculpture was featured in the historic “Welded Sculpture of the Twentieth Century” exhibition at the Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase New York. This exhibition featured all the major contributors to the genre, including Julio González, Pablo Picasso, Anthony Caro, and David Smith. Also in 2000 he was honored as a “Visiting Critic” at the international artist colony Art/Omi, in Upstate New York, for which he wrote a paper and led a discussion on the topic: “Vernacular Color: ReflecFons on NaFonal, Ethnic, and Gender Expression.

In May 2001, he traveled to The Peoples Republic of China, and lectured at the China National Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, HangzhouChina, and at Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou University of Teaching, Hangzhou China.

In April 2003, Mr. McCalebb was one of the artists representing the United States at the Sharjah InternaFonal Arts Biennial, in the United Arab Emirates. He also lectured at the American University of Sharjah, School of Architecture and Design, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

In the summer of 2005, he did a series of public sculpture projects for: “Process – SpaceFestival 2005. Balchik, Bulgaria, Folk-05, Galleri Lista Fyr, Borhaug, Norway, and The First Alytus Biennial, Alytus, Lithuania.

In 2008 he was commissioned for a large-scale public sculpture by the: Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art for the Intrude: Art and Life 366 exhibition, Shanghai, China.

In 2008 Howard McCalebb established a working studio and (Kunstraum) Dada Post in Berlin, Germany.

Butterfly-Yellow - Howard mccalebb

209.5 x 229 x 112cm, 2009 –  Painted, welded steel.

The Butterfly Sculptures can be oriented as either standing or reclining. These are a group of artworks that use the Assembled Icon form, and are fitted at a rectangular hub. This artwork, as do all others, builds on the awareness of miódularity. The modularized forms, configured within a matrix created by the Golden Ratio, are put to use as motif, through the shapes themselves.

For more information please contact us with the title of the image.

Butterfly-red - Howard Mccalebb

251,5 x 343 x 152,5cm, 2010 – Painted, welded steel.
New York Installations.

Private Collection – Rockville, Maryland, USA.

Available for commission, please contact us.

CAT'S TAIL - HOward mccalebb

183 x 315 x 137cm, 2010 – Painted, welded steel.
New York Installations.

Private Collection – Rockville, Maryland, USA.

Available for Commission, please contact us.

Double Decker & Ice Cube - Howard mccalebb

(3D Printed) Sculptures.

For more information please contact us with the title of the image.

Paintings - Howard mccalebb

Paintings, 2015.

For more information please contact us with the title of the image.